Men and Counselling ; Why it is Good for You
Every man has the ultimate goal of being the man. Nothing gives more satisfaction than breaking a leg figuratively at work. Receiving endless compliments for a job well done from collegues, friends and family or smashing the glass ceiling with that business you’ve being building. Your wife and children sending you those happy vibes. It becoming clear to all around you that you are the man of means and they’d better acknowledge or not at all but that’s more like it. Then your thoughts are actually cut off and the reality you are living in sets in. The good things is, you can turn things around and the magic word is none other than counselling.
Everything you know about being a man goes like you can cry, men don’t do that, keep your problems to yourself that’s the real man way until life hands you mixed results with an A for anxiety and S for stress. Lucky for you, someone decided enough was enough and you deserved your own space to just be you without all folks standing in line to offer their two cents. Counselling came to help you offload your baggage so you can plan how better to carry it by first of all being free from it and getting in touch with you.
Having a clear head allows you to decide what needs to be dealt with in order of priority. They say a journey of a thousand miles start with a single step , the single step they are talking about here is you being in a great state of mind and then you can now start calling into being whatever else you want . In a perfect world ,worry wouldn’t exist and everything would be just great. Counseling is very much a fixer as it shows you how to bend with worry so that you don’t break and find a way around it if you can’t get rid of it. Stress and anxiety are evils you can’t avoid and facing them with counselling as an ally is the best option.
Communication is much less what you say and everything to do with how you say it. Counselling helps you with your way of passing information such that whoever get’s it, receives it clearly but without feeling attacked. That is very much progress. Next move with counselling is they hand you a tool box with the tools you will need to go about life a day at a time. The change soon start to be visible and questions get asked whereby letting people in on your little secret becomes your choice. While counselling is not a one stop shop for all your problems it deals with those that bite hard.